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A landing page is the key element for effective lead generation. Whether you’ve a start-up or a laid-out organization, you want to drive leads and increment transformations through your landing page.

In order to generate leads, you need to find a way to attract people to your website first. There are many ways to drive traffic to your website and one of the most effective way is optimizing your landing page for Google. If nobody is able to find your landing page, you won’t be able to get any conversions.

Making your landing page SEO-friendly is not only cheaper in the long run but also can help you bring organic traffic to your website constantly unlike ad campaigns.

So, if you’re convinced to optimize your landing page on Google, this blog will help you with some useful and proven tricks to rank your landing page high on Google.

What is a Landing Page SEO?

A landing page is a stand-alone web page that a person lands on after clicking through from an ad, email, or other places. It mainly focuses on targeted keywords on which you want to rank and it also includes a call-to-action.

There’s no point in selling something that people cannot find. Hence, your landing page should be searchable and the only way that’s possible is by making it SEO friendly.

SEO landing pages are those which are optimized for search engines– consisting of features that make it appealing to the algorithms that decides whether the page is useful for the searchers.

The huge distinction between a landing page and a stand-alone website page on your site is that the landing page is intended to do explicit things like catching leads, creating deals, and perhaps, pipe guests to another page and so on whereas a website provides an introduction of your brand and encourages visitors to explore more.

Yet, there’s something else. The objective of an SEO-streamlined landing page isn’t just to change over, it should rank high according to the web search. You can’t sell what individuals can’t find!

What’s the purpose of a landing page?

A landing page is a solitary website page made as an objective for a particular promotion or publicizing effort. It’s a point of arrival since guests land on the page after clicking a connection in your promotion or showcasing effort.

Here are some reasons why landing page is necessary for your business:

– Helps in achieving business goals directly.

– Increases conversions

– Collects valid leads

– Gathers proper data and insights

– Increases the credibility of your product or service

– Enhances brand awareness

– Increases the search traffic

Why does the landing page need SEO?

A landing page for SEO is to draw in natural web search traffic for a particular arrangement of catchphrases. When guests land on the SEO landing page, they will see content that is super applicable to their inquiry question. 

The page might be a transformation page or intended to make exorbitant interest and afterward convert through connections to the proper item/administration page(s) on the principal site.

An SEO landing page could show up in the site’s route.

Landing pages need SEO for two primary reasons:

● It is cost-effective. Since SEO is neglected (aside from the time and expertise expected to get high rankings), it can create traffic for quite a long time without running a paid showcasing effort.

● It will drive traffic constantly to your website without a halt. Once you optimize your landing page, it will automatically drive traffic to your website even in the long run. 

Landing Page SEO best practices

Now that we’ve explained why landing pages need SEO, we’ll share some SEO best practices you want to follow to guarantee your page position rank higher on Google.

Indeed, even before you send off your point of arrival, you ought to improve all on-page site components, otherwise called on-page SEO.

Here is the finished agenda to follow and upgrade your landing pages without limit:

 1)   Improve your presentation page URLs: Each landing page will have a distinct URL that consists of a page title and an identifier. The identifier belongs exclusively to the list connected to your page. The URL can be previewed in the Landing Page Builder; once the link is published, it becomes active.

2) Add social proofs to your landing page: Provides visitors who require further information before opening an account with real-life success stories, testimonials, and other types of social proof. This increases trust and brand recognition.

3)  Perform Keyword Research: The ideal keywords to target can be found with the use of keyword research, which also offers useful information about the Google searches that your target market is actually making.

4)  Add related watchwords in your headings: Headings are the first thing that a person notices when he reaches a landing page. Hence, it’s important to include the watchwords in the heading as it will give your visitor a clear view of where they landed.

5) Streamline Images (filename, document size, Alt text, and inscriptions): A picture can worth a thousand words – You must have heard this phrase. So, why not use more images and reduce the writing part. But make sure your images are attractive and must not increase the loading time of your landing page.

6) Streamline Videos (utilize a web-based feature, add video composition): Videos are one of the best type of content that people love to consume nowadays. Utilizing the videos feature on your landing page can attract more people on your landing page and also increase conversions.

7) Add pertinent diagrams to your point of arrival: In 2023, if you’re creating a new landing page, we advise incorporating diagrams in any format that appeals to your target market.

8)  Monitor page speed: Nobody likes to stay on a page that takes time to load. It’s important to increase audience retention rate and it’s found that most businesses lose their customers due to their landing page loading speed. So, if you don’t want to be one among those business owners, you must increase your landing page loading speed.

9) Add inward connections highlighting your points of arrival (landing page, footer, sidebar, and other site pages): Under the product name, make sure your customer reviews are highlighted, and information is shared in a clear, simple, and instructive manner using bulleted lists.

10) Utilize 301 redirects to solidify SEO: When the original page is no longer available, a 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that sends users (and search engines) to a new URL.

11) Pay Attention to the URL Used: Always pay attention to what URL you’re using for directing the customers.

12) Don’t add more than one offer in your landing page: Having multiple offers in one landing page can reduce conversions. Of course you don’t want that to happen with you. So, the best thing to do in that case is to create different landing page for each offer.

13) Make your CTA available from any part of the page: Adding your CTA on every part of the landing page will help visitors to convert from wherever they are. If you added your CTA only at the extreme top or extreme bottom of the landing page, there’s a chance that your visitor may miss the CTA.

14) Make your landing page mobile-friendly: Nowadays, most people are shopping through their mobile devices. You never know when your target audience starts using their mobiles to buy your products instead of using their desktop. As the usage of mobile phones are increasing day by day, it’s important to make sure that your landing pages are mobile friendly.

15) Build backlinks: Backlinking is one of the most important off-page ranking factors. Having a lot of backlinks is not enough. You need to make sure that you’re generating backlinks only from authoritative sources. Bad backlinks will not only damage your rankings but also nullify all your SEO efforts.

16) Figure out the length of your landing page: Long landing pages are sometimes boring for visitors. If you’re not sure about the length of your landing page, you can conduct surveys and polls to get a clear view of what your target audience expects from you.

Assuming you observe the above rules, you will have SEO-improved presentation pages. In business terms, this implies that you can get designated natural traffic straightforwardly to your pages and increment your transformations.


Landing page optimization is not easy! It’s not something everyone is best at. If you’re not an experienced landing page builder or lack experience in coding, then you should check out this affordable no-code landing page builder – CloudFunnels.

CloudFunnels is an affordable yet feature-rich funnel builder which not only builds effective funnels but also builds SEO friendly landing pages, memberships, corporate sites, lead pages, and so on. It provides detailed tutorials which helps even newbies to build amazing landing pages that increases conversions.

So, are you planning to optimize your landing page for Google?

Tell us your experience in the comments below when you first started building an optimized landing page.

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