Boost Your Funnels 20x With This Secret Upgrade For CloudFunnels

Get More Leads, More Customers & Unlock
Super-Powerful Features

Build High-Performance Funnels For Yourself & Your Clients With
CloudFunnels Pro Features


Hurry! CloudFunnels Pro Is Available For A Yearly Price For A
Limited Time Only. Miss This & You’ll Have To Pay For The Future Upgrades

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Create Up To 30
    (10x More!)
  • Create
    unlimited lists
    & marketing campaigns
  • Export-Import Funnels.
    Export your funnels and import them in any CloudFunnels installation.
  • A/BTesting &
    Split Testing
    For Higher Sales
  • Funnel-Blocks.
    Create blocks that you can reuse in multiple funnels
  • 2 Years of free upgrade.
    Get future features free of cost
  • Remove CloudFunnels branding
    from the funnels you create.
  • Team access.
    Create accounts for your team and let them manage your funnels
  • Get
    New Templates
    Free of cost
  • Get
    New Plugins
    Free of cost
  • Page-Cloning Feature. Clone any page online.

Give Your CloudFunnels The Professional
Power-Up & Grow Your Online Business Faster

CloudFunnels Elite is great for new entrepreneurs, starters and those who are just beginning with funnel building. They need to keep the costs low while they look for profits.

But if you don’t want to look, then the Pro upgrade is what you need. The CloudFunnels Pro upgrade gives you each and every feature that you need, to run a truly successful funnels and marketing business online.

Update to the Pro level and get professional tools that are vital for your business’s success.

The pro version removes our branding and gives you 100 funnels so that you can create business websites not just for yourself but also for your clients.

You also get the capability to clone webpages and export-import the funnels so that you can set up funnels rapidly for any business.

Yes, CloudFunnels Pro

Important : Tarantula Pro can also create articles in other languages apart from English. Spanish, German, French. Choose any language you want to create your content.

One Simple Upgrade, 11 Superpowers

Create 30 Funnels & Websites

Don’t Let This Go For Your Business’s Sake

Make Multiple Sales Funnels, Landing
Pages & Websites For Your Own Business
Or Your Customers


Do you have multiple products? Running an agency or service to make sales funnels, websites or landing pages for clients?

CloudFunnels Pro will give you the capability to create up to 30 websites & funnels for your customers. Capture all of your targeted niches or help others build profitable businesses online with Pro.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Remove Our Branding Label

Remove ‘Made with CloudFunnels’ Label
From Your Landing Pages & Sites

The entry level CloudFunnels will show a small, un-intrusive label that tells people that the site is built with CloudFunnels.

If you don’t want to show that label then you can get the Pro version and that’ll remove the branding label from your sites.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Unlimited Lists & Campaigns

Grow Your Business Without Boundaries
With Unlimited Email Lists & Campaigns


Are you building up a solid and successful business with lots of leads and customers? That means you need to break free from limitations that keep your growth lower.

With the Pro version, you get an unlimited number of lists and campaigns with unlimited capacity in each campaign. You can grab every single lead and customer that comes your way.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Multi-User With Permission Control

Manage Team Access & Give The Right
Permissions To Each Team Member

CloudFunnels is meant for teams. Give the right access to your VA while protecting assets. Example, allows support without access to sales, or allow email marketing without access to the leads themselves.

  • Add as many team members as you want.
  • Set section level access to all your team members.
  • Update and change permissions anytime you need.
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Funnel Transport

Share Your Funnels With Your Clients,
Associates & Partners


Need to take your funnel to another server, location or need to give it to one of your clients or associates?

CloudFunnels makes it easy. You can click a button and the entire funnel will be exported to a Zip file which can then be imported into CloudFunnels installed at any location to publish it there instantly.

This is a must-have if you sell Funnels or need to make sure your funnels are backed up to protect from failures.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

A/B Testing Support

Split Tests & Marketing Features That
Bring You Even More Success

CloudFunnels Pro comes with high-end marketing features like Split-Testing, Retargeting, Marketing blocks, and more to help you get more success with less work.

Find the best-fit sales pages, landing pages, angles, and copy for any offer that you have. Get more leads and more prospects.

Get more leads, more prospects.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Unlimited Templates Access

Get All Future Templates Absolutely Free


We are building new templates for CloudFunnels every day and Elite only gives you access to a limited set. With CloudFunnels Pro, you get access to all the templates including the exclusive ones.

Not just that, you get access to future templates as well. Yes, that includes all those amazing templates that we will create in the future.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Extend Your Funnels With Plugins

Get Access To All Marketing Plugins
Including Future Creations

We have built a lot of plugins and extensions for CloudFunnels. These plugins extend the functionality of CloudFunnels helping you get more leads and sales.

With the entry-level version of CloudFunnels, you get access to what we have already created and made available to them. You do not get access to our exclusive and future plugins.

Get CloudFunnels Pro to unlock access to the entire plugin set, including future plugins.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Funnels Blocks

Create Funnel Blocks That You Can Reuse
In All Your Websites & Funnels


Want to use segments of your websites and funnels over and over in other places? CloudFunnels has Funnel Blocks feature that lets you create blocks that you can insert into any funnel.

The Pro version gives you access to this and many other high-end features.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Clone Pages & Designs You Like

Pick Any Webpage From The Internet &
Bring It Over To Your Funnels

CloudFunnels Pro also gives you a powerful page-cloning feature. See a design you like and don’t want to build it up from scratch?

With the Page Cloner, you can just add the URL, and CloudFunnels will copy it to your funnel. Then, you can modify the text and have your offer live in just minutes.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Grab Your CloudFunnels AI Pro Upgrade

Supercharge Your Online Business

Pro Level Monthly
image image image
  • 20 Sales Funnels/Websites
  • 10 Pages Per Funnel
  • Up To 8 Team Members
  • Exclusive & Future Plugins
  • All Templates
  • 1 Split Test Per Funnels
  • Business use license
  • All Features Included
$67 Monthly
Free Upgrades
24 / 6 Chat Support
Pro Level Yearly
image image image image image
  • 20 Sales Funnels/Websites
  • 10 Pages Per Funnel
  • Up To 8 Team Members
  • Exclusive & Future Plugins
  • All Templates
  • 1 Split Test Per Funnels
  • Business use license
  • All Features Included
$127 Yearly
Free Upgrades
24 / 6 Chat Support

Money Back Guarantee

Making up your mind is hard, espacially when it's a new technology that you haven't tried yet. Well,we really want you to have the first mover's advantage, and that's why we are prepared to bear all the risk.

Here's our guarantee!

Buy CloudFunnels AI, and use it for up to 30 days risk-free. If you don't like what it does for you and your business, just let us know within 30 days through a support ticket at and we will refund you 100% of the money you paid

Support Guarantee

Bad support can destroy your investment and happiness. When you buy from Teknikforce you get the guarantee of good quality support.

24 x 6 Live Chat Support Guarantee

We have 24 x 6 chat support here. Yes, if you ever have any issues using CloudFunnels AI, just come to this website and talk to our live support agent. We are always here to guide you.

24 Hours Ticket Response Guarantee

When you open a ticket with us, you’ll get a guaranteed response within 24 hours.

Live Assistance Guarantee

Having trouble making something work? Our tech agents will help you on Skype and on Teamviewer / Ultraviewer to fix your problem.
